Assembling the world's top subject matter experts and developing solutions for the entire agricultural food chain.
Our Mission
To always provide the most cost-effective solutions to the projects we face, improving quality, condition and extending shelf-life of any fresh produce, based on state-of-the-art scientific research, critical thinking and cutting-edge technology.
How We Work
From genetics to nursery development, on-farm cultural management, post harvest through logistics, and all the way to the consumer; you will not find a more qualified team. Our group has been advising top international agricultural entities, logistic providers, and retailers for over the past 30 years. We have the most diverse base of global research partners located on all continents to help bring practical and actionable solutions to your operation. We bring a context of research innovation and commercial knowledge that ensures investments are on track to success. We introduce the most innovate data sets through our tech partnerships and are leading the way on cutting edge sensors and networks that place your operation in the forefront